March 1, 2022: Insight Via™ Changes and Improvements

DEKRA has deployed improvements, enhancements, and fixes to Insight Via™ safety management system. Feel free to contact us at 800-888-9596 with any questions.

(IV-4562) The Change Assignments page has a new control available for corporate level users to reassign the corporate document owners of policies or procedures in a bulk format. Users with Business Unit, Region, and Location Admin level access also have access to the Change Assignments page, but the new corporate document owner control will be hidden. The Change Assignments page is available by going to the Administration tab, then select Administration or Administration C and then click on Change Assignments.

(IV-4582) We have added a column to display the employee’s department on the Employee List and Employee Detail List reports in Report Library.

(IV-4623) When editing a record in the Permitting application (Applications page or Administration page bottom grid), the permit description and link are shown. When adding a new permit, the permit description and link will show once the record is saved.

(IV-4668) The Work Done/Comments details from preventative maintenance work orders has been added to the Work Order Extra Info report in Report Library.